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We're not going to waste your time telling you how to order "the right thing" in a trattoria here. Our Italian's not even fluent enough for that.

We also refuse to drive in Rome (not on the motorways anyway - they're all nutters with a deathwish!)

But what we are trying to do here is lay down as much hard intelligence
of the sort which can help you rise above the many varieties of Italian bullshit that you'll encounter in Rome.

Did you know for instance that if you're planning to stay
long-termish in Italy, you must report this fact to the police
within a week of your arrival and obtain a special permit
to stay here.
And don't imagine that being British (ie, an
EEC citizen) makes you exempt from all this palaver - it doesn't.

Follow the links to learn more...

The Romebuddy offices,
in the heart of beautiful Rome.
My office window is at middle right.
I can't see the Forum too well from there
as it faces east, but there's a lovely
shady balcony to lunch on and
MacDonalds is just around the corner.

A hot-dog stand near the Roman Forum.
Yes it does spoil the view rather -
On the other hand, Rome can be
pretty knackering and thirsty work
for a tourist on a hot summer day.
Snack bars and trollies abound
at all the beauty spots, which is
better than the catering provision I can
think of at a number of British
tourist spots. Expect to pay at
least two dollars for a coke on the
street, but you'll certainly find you need it.

More about living and working in Rome:
Legal Requirements

Getting around Rome
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Learning Italian
The Clean Loo Guide
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