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              a roman holiday…     not the same as living there.

Rome is certainly as pretty as a postcard, prettier in fact, but what’s it like under the makeup?
What does Rome look like first thing in the morning?
Sunlit piazzas filled with pretty gypsy girls selling flowers?
Or sidewalks strewn with McDonalds cartons, used syringes and condoms?

The answer is both. tries to balance the beauty of Rome with the beast, and as such, we hope it will help to soften the blow of culture-shock that long-term visitors from the USA or Britain may experience.

When we first moved to Italy to live, we combed the Internet looking for practical information for foreigners staying in Italy… and found none...
Romebuddy website was thus created to fill this gap in world knowledge, to tell prospective long-term visitors or serious tourists in Rome what the travel agents either can't, or won't tell you...

What makes Rome Rome?
Sunshine, scooters and winding cobbled streets.
Rome is still everything you've always imagined it to be.

There are of course many other excellent websites detailing information on the best hotels and restaurants in Rome, or telling you what bus to take to the Coliseum, or how much a taxi costs, and we have indeed provided links to some of these fine resources. There are also websites gushing with praise and enthusiasm for the architectural and historical delights which await the tourist in Italy’s old cities. But little of this kind of information imparts any inkling of what it is really like for the British or American trying to settle into Italian life.


We will freely admit that at worst, Romebuddy is nothing more nor less than the bigoted ramblings of a xenophobic old Brit who is stranded in Rome. And thus we may exhibit in our words some tell-tale signs of expatriate isolationism. But though we certainly miss our cups of tea, baked beans, steak and kidney pie, treacle sponge pudding and custard, beer and fish and chips, we would not dream of retreating to some all-English gated-community ghetto, thus separating ourselves completely from Italian culture and community, (as is the sad custom of many Brits who have chosen to settle in the Mediterranean countries on the strength of nothing more than an improvement in the weather).

On the contrary, we adore Rome and aim to become more, rather than less integrated in it’s warm and generous society.

Italians in party mood

But this is not the same thing as sacrificing our native patriotism, or casting away as dross the manners and aspirations taught to us on our mother’s knee. It is true that we British lack spontaneity and warmth, yet not so much warmth that we forget our childhood vows to wait our turn in a queue, to not drop litter, and to be kind to animals, all of which qualities we have found to be somewhat lacking in Romans. Thus it is our aim, in our small way, by some sort of social osmosis, to infuse as much of the best of Britishness into Italy as we in turn would take on board ourselves of the best of Italian-ness.

You may well disagree with many of the sentiments expressed on the site, but if you do, by all means, let us know, as we would usually be most happy to post your contributions and thus present a balanced view. To such purpose we have provided ample email links for your feedback on any topic throughout the site.

One April, a couple of years ago now, having spent his first six months in Italy, the writer found himself unexpectedly back in the rolling countryside of England for a long weekend, and (knowing he had to return to Rome the following Monday), for the first time in his life understood the passion behind the poet’s famous words "Oh to be in England, now that spring is here."

Thus, to those whose visit to Italy is intended only as a holiday break of a week or two from grey-skied Britain, we say, come, enjoy, let Florence be your teacher and Rome be your playground; we present Romebuddy as yet another tour guide to this great old city of passion and power, and sincerely hope you will find something of use or amusement within its electronic pages.

But to those who may have to stay in Italy long enough to begin to feel a nagging ache for Cornish clotted-cream or thick-cut bitter marmalade (or, for our American cousins, sweet-potato or pecan pie), this website is dedicated. Before moving to Italy to live, I prided myself on being a pretty adaptable and cosmopolitan kind of chap. However, after living here a few months, the gravity of what I had done began to sink in and I realised that emigration can be a hard line to hoe for some people, not least myself. Some find it easy, but for those who do not, we at Romebuddy want you to know that you are not alone in your expatriate frustrations living in Rome. Let Romebuddy be your buddy in the trying months ahead...

Most of all we want you to enjoy living in Italy, and to come to look on Rome as a second home of liberty and opportunity, where your mind, body and spirit can focus, think, feel, fly free and engage in exciting pursuits and relationships which would never be possible back in our dreary, artless, rain-sodden Anglo-Saxon homelands.
In spite of it’s foibles and dubious eccentricities, Rome is still a fabulous town to live in...

...and Romebuddy knows all about it

I said don't click here

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After all that, we just hope that you
enjoy your visit.

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Original photographs and articles property and copyright of
and Lake Photography©2000, except where otherwise stated or
blatantly obviously not our work. (for example, that nice piccy
of Audrey Hepburn on the scooters page)

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